Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation : TNSDC training for family members of soldiers...

 Entertainment / by nithish kumar / 172 views

Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation was launched in 2013 with the noble objective of making Tamil Nadu a skill hub. Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation has been functioning since 2013 as a corporation under the Department of Labor and Employment.It increases the employability of the youth by providing them with a better skill training. At the same time it fulfills the needs of factories. There are technical pedagogies and curricula that are heavily weighted on theory. They are trainings initiated to improve employability and skills developed. They will be aligned with a merit framework.Aims to provide employment to participate in their respective educational capacity building initiatives. Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation has been declared as the premier organization for skill training in the state by the government. India needs 500 million skilled workers in various sectors in the next five years.Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation provides training to family members of army personnel to improve their employability. Training and placement of family members of soldiers and providing employment to talented youth.

  • Listing ID: 19330
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United States nithish9443@gamil.com

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