Registration No BH : Valid in all states across India

 Media News / by nithish kumar / 83 views

If vehicle owners in India get this registration number, they don’t need to get a new registration number or pay additional road tax to any state they move to. This registration number (Registration No BH) is valid in all states across India.According to the Indian Motor Vehicle Act in India, if a vehicle owner moves from one state to another state, he can drive his vehicle in that state without changing the registration number for up to one year. But if it is more than one year then the vehicle owner has to pay road tax in that state and the vehicle owner has to re-register his vehicle in that state.So people who are forced to move to different states for work and have the opportunity to change their work to different states, have to change their vehicle registration number frequently. At least once or twice depending on the duration of working in a particular state, though not often. Central government introduced BH registration number which can be used all over India to solve this problem. If people who have the opportunity to change to different states frequently get this BH (Registration No BH) registration number, they don’t need to get a new registration number or pay additional road tax wherever they go.

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