Mysterious UFO Crash Of 1947 Resurfaces : Surprising Video Footage Of UFO Going Viral In America

 Media News / by nithish kumar / 50 views

It has long been suspected that information about aliens and UFOs has been kept secret from the US government for years.
Recently, new government documents have resurfaced the details of the Mysterious UFO Crash Of 1947 Resurfaces in New Mexico. This suggests that there are more details than previously known.In 1945 two boys encountered a UFO at the Trinity Atomic Test Site by Robert Oppenheimer and other members of the Manhattan Project. They saw three aliens get out of the plane, tilt and start running in circles.
Leaked documents from US Intel reveal the truth behind the mysterious 1947 UFO crash in New Mexico. It comes out again. The UFO incident that shocked the world has resurfaced as recently leaked government documents reveal that there is more to it than people know.The 1953 crash near the Mojave Desert, about 100 miles from Las Vegas, is often remembered by locals. On May 21, 1953, several witnesses reported a UFO crash outside the city.

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