July Month Egg Price: The prices of eggs will rise gradually.. startling reason..
Media News / by nithish kumar / 171 views
Namakkal district has always played a major role in poultry egg production even at the national level. India is ranked second in egg production alone. Namakkal district alone has the majority of 90 percent of the total egg trade in Tamil Nadu.In total 1500 farms here, six crore chickens are reared for food. The eggs laid by these hens are 3.5 crore eggs produced daily. Among these, eggs from Tamil Nadu and Kerala are also sold.After the sale ends, all the remaining eggs are sent to countries like Sri Lanka, Maldives and Oman through export. In this situation for the last three months N.E.C. C These chicken workers are selling to all people at fixed prices. But some traders are selling at very low prices and making losses. Due to this, their family has suffered great degradation.As all the procured eggs are not purchased, they sell at a price lower than the government fixed price and fall into losses. All over the country that NECC is fixing the price and selling it daily. Farmers are required to sell eggs according to that price. Similarly, it is m
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